
    বিভিন্ন Degree-এ ব্যবহারের  জন্য কতকগুলো গুরুত্বপূর্ণ নিয়ম :

    a) Positive Degree - এর জন্য adjective- এর আগে ও পরে 'as' ব্যবহার করতে হবে । আগে  'so' ব্যবহার করা যায় ।
        Karim is good. Rahim is good = Karim is as good as Rahim. (করিম রহিমের মত ভাল)
        Karim is good. Rahim is not so good. = Rahim is not as/so good as Karim. (রহিম করিমের মত ভাল নয়) 
    b) Comparative Degree - এর জন্য adjective-এর Comparative form ব্যবহার করে পরে than বসাতে হয় । Than-এর পর সর্বদা Nominative case হয় ।
        এভাবে Comparative Degree - এর জন্য নিম্নলিখিত Structure গুলো মনে রাখতে হবে ।
    1. I am tall. He is taller = He is taller than I.
    2. He is poor. You are poorer. = You are poorer than he.

        কতকগুলো Latin comparative form -এ than-এর স্থানে to ব্যবহার করতে হয় ।

        Powder milk is inferior to fresh milk.
        He is junior to me.
        This cloth is superior to that.
    c) Superlative Degree- এর জন্য Superlative form-এর আগে the ব্যবহার করতে হয় এবং পরে বাক্যের অর্থভেদে of, in ইত্যাদি বসে ।
        Karim is good. Rahim is better than karim. Salim is better than Rahim. - এর অর্থ সেলিম তিনজনের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে ভাল ।
        Salim is the best of the three boys.
        More examples :
        1. Khulna is a big city.
           Chittagong is bigger than Khulna.
           Dhaka is bigger than Chittagong.
           = Dhaka is the biggest of the three cities.
         2. The cow is a very useful animal.
             The goat  is less useful than the cow.
             The horse is less useful than the goat.
             = The cow is the most useful of all animals.


    More about Adjectives :

    a) Adjective ending in - ly
        অনেক adjectives-এর সাথে ly যুক্ত করলে adverb হয় । যেমন: quick-quickly, careful-carefully, bad-badly.
        কিন্তু শব্দের শেষে ly থাকলেই সব শব্দ adverb হয় না । যেমন: friendly, lively, lovely, unlikely, lonely, elderly, miserly, cowardly প্রভৃতি ।
    Example :
    1.  The man is miserly.
    2. She is as lively as a kitten.
    3. This is a lonely place.
    4. He gave us friendly talk.
    5. I saw an elderly person sitting at the corner of the room.
    b) Adjective ending in - ing and - ed
        লক্ষ্য কর :
        She is bored becuase her job is boring.
        এভাবে বলা যায় :
    1. His job is boring. He is bored with his job.
    2. His job is interesting. He is interested in his job.
    3. His job is tiring. He is always tired when he finishes work.
    4. His job is satisfying. He is satisfied with his job.
    5. His job is depressing. He always feels depressed.

