বিভিন্ন Degree-এ ব্যবহারের জন্য কতকগুলো গুরুত্বপূর্ণ নিয়ম :
a) Positive Degree - এর জন্য adjective- এর আগে ও পরে 'as' ব্যবহার করতে হবে । আগে 'so' ব্যবহার করা যায় ।
Karim is good. Rahim is good = Karim is as good as Rahim. (করিম রহিমের মত ভাল)
Karim is good. Rahim is not so good. = Rahim is not as/so good as Karim. (রহিম করিমের মত ভাল নয়)
b) Comparative Degree - এর জন্য adjective-এর Comparative form ব্যবহার করে পরে than বসাতে হয় । Than-এর পর সর্বদা Nominative case হয় ।
এভাবে Comparative Degree - এর জন্য নিম্নলিখিত Structure গুলো মনে রাখতে হবে ।
- I am tall. He is taller = He is taller than I.
- He is poor. You are poorer. = You are poorer than he.
কতকগুলো Latin comparative form -এ than-এর স্থানে to ব্যবহার করতে হয় ।
Powder milk is inferior to fresh milk.
He is junior to me.
This cloth is superior to that.
c) Superlative Degree- এর জন্য Superlative form-এর আগে the ব্যবহার করতে হয় এবং পরে বাক্যের অর্থভেদে of, in ইত্যাদি বসে ।
Karim is good. Rahim is better than karim. Salim is better than Rahim. - এর অর্থ সেলিম তিনজনের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে ভাল ।
Salim is the best of the three boys.
More examples :
1. Khulna is a big city.
Chittagong is bigger than Khulna.
Dhaka is bigger than Chittagong.
= Dhaka is the biggest of the three cities.
2. The cow is a very useful animal.
The goat is less useful than the cow.
The horse is less useful than the goat.
= The cow is the most useful of all animals.
More about Adjectives :
a) Adjective ending in - ly
অনেক adjectives-এর সাথে ly যুক্ত করলে adverb হয় । যেমন: quick-quickly, careful-carefully, bad-badly.
কিন্তু শব্দের শেষে ly থাকলেই সব শব্দ adverb হয় না । যেমন: friendly, lively, lovely, unlikely, lonely, elderly, miserly, cowardly প্রভৃতি ।
Example :
The man is miserly.
She is as lively as a kitten.
This is a lonely place.
He gave us friendly talk.
I saw an elderly person sitting at the corner of the room.
b) Adjective ending in - ing and - ed
লক্ষ্য কর :
She is bored becuase her job is boring.
এভাবে বলা যায় :
- His job is boring. He is bored with his job.
- His job is interesting. He is interested in his job.
- His job is tiring. He is always tired when he finishes work.
- His job is satisfying. He is satisfied with his job.
- His job is depressing. He always feels depressed.