Employment for both Men and Woman in Necessary for the Development of the Country

    Write a summary of the following passage.

    Although Bangladesh is a populous country, we cannot definitely say that it is over populated. All its resources have not yet been utilized fully. It has plenty of unused, unexplored natural resources which can help build many new industries. Its agriculture too is potentially rich. Hence this enormous population has the possibility of being used productively. But of all the resources of Bangladesh human resource is the most important. A population of 98 million can become a powerful source of human energy to build its economy. To utilize this plentiful natural resource, a number of practical measures for technical training, vocational guidance and promotion of employment have recently been taken by the Government. It has set up employment exchange centers in different places of the country to help unemployed find suitable jobs.

    As woman constitutes almost 50 percent of our population, they should also be included in our development programmers. For the development of the country full participation of the woman in the economic activities is essential. There are areas where our woman has already proved their efficiency. They are working not only in the agricultural fields but also in the mills and factories. In administration too they are not lagging behind. What is necessary now is to involve them more in the economic activities which suit their ability and aptitude. A large number of woman, both literate and illiterate are in desperate need of employment now. With a view to helping them, employment exchange centers have recently been started and efforts are being made to find suitable employment for them.
