Write an Application to the Headmaster For Seeking Permission To Open A Relief Camp In Our School For The Flood Victims
    29 January, 2018
    The Headmaster
    Englishfor2day Online School. 
    Subject: Application for seeking permission to open a relief camp in our school for the flood victims.
    I, on behalf of the students of your school, beg most respectfully to state that the recent terrible flood has seriously affected the people of our locality. The miseries of the affected people know no bounds. Thousands of people have become homeless, foodless and clothless. Many of them have taken shelter on rooftops, bats and embankments. They are now living under open air without food or cloth. Cholera, diarrhoea, typhoid, dysentery etc. have broken out in an epidemic form. The affected people are badly in need of foods, shelter, clothes, medicines, pure drinking water immediately. In the circumstances, we should come forward to standing by the side of these suffering people. Our school is the only place where we can help the flood victims easily. So, it is necessary to open a relief camp in our school.
    I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to permit us to open a relief camp in school for the flood victims and oblige thereby.
    I remain Sir -
    Your most obedient pupil,
    Sujon Ahmed
    On behalf of the students of
    Englishfor2day Online School.