Write an application to the Principal of your College requesting him to change one of your elective subjects
    April 29, 2018
    The Principal,
    Englishfor2day Online School and College.
    Subject : Payer for permission to change the elective subject.
    Dear Sir,
    I beg most respectfully to state that I am a student of your collage of XI Science Group. At the time my admission I took History, Physics, Chemistry and Higher Mathematics as my elective subjects. I attend my classes regularly, but I do not find interest in Higher Mathmatics. So, I wish to take up Biology instead of Higher Mathematics.
    I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to allow me to change my elective subject.
    Sincerely yours -
    Sujon  Ahmed
    XI Science
    Englishfor2day Online School and College.