
    151. Write a report on the reception programme arranged to welcome the new students of the college.


    152. You are a reporter of a daily newspaper. You have covered the news of outbreak of diarrhoea in Pabna. Now write a report on that issue.


    153. You are a reporter of a daily newspaper. You have covered the news of food poisoning in Comilla, Now write a report on that issue.


    154. You are a reporter of a daily newspaper. You have covered the news of an earthquake occurred in country. Now write a report on that issue.


    155. Suppose you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Price of rice is going down whereas price of some essentials is soaring. Now make a report on it.


    156. Suppose you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. You have covered the news of female garment workers. Now write a report on their role.


    157. You are a reporter of a daily newspaper. You have covered the news of the eviction of illegal Bill board. New write a report on DDC’s night operation against illegal Bill Boards.


    158. You are a reporter of a daily newspaper. You have covered the weather report of the current depression at sea. Now write a weather report on depression at sea at Bay of Bengal.


    159. A huge number of students fail in English every year in public examinations despite studying it as a compulsory subject from class 1 to honours level. Now prepare a report focusing on different causes of their failures in English for a daily newspaper.


    160. Suppose you a reporter of a national daily. You have recently visited the area affected by the erosion of maghna. Now, write a report on the miseries of the people living in the area.
