right forms of verbs
Present simple tense এ subject third person singular number হলে verb এর সঙ্গে s/es যোগ হয়।
1. He (come) here everyday
Ans: He comes here everyday
2. Mitu (go) to college regularly
Ans: Mitu goes to college regularly
Sentence টি negative (না বোধক) হলে এবং subject টি third person হলে subject এরপর does not বসে। তারপর মূল verb বসে।
1. He (not come) everyday
Ans: He does not come everyday
Note: কোন বাক্যের শেষে প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন থাকলে subject এর পূর্বে do বা does বসাতে হয় যদি sentence টিতে am/is/are না থাকে।
1. He (come) here everyday?
Ans: Does he come here everyday?
2. He (not come) here everyday?
Ans: Doesn’t he come here everyday?
3. You (like) small fish?
Ans: Do you like small fish?
অধিকার নির্দেশক বাক্যে- subject third person singular number হলে subject এর পর has বসে।
1. He (have) much money
Ans: He has much money
2. Tina (not have) much money
Ans:Tina has not much money
Or Tina does not have much money
অর্থাৎ does not এর পর have বসে।
অধিকার সূচক বাক্যটি প্রশ্নবোধক হলে third person এর ক্ষেত্রে প্রথমে does তারপর subject তারপর have বসবে।
1. Ruma has a book?
Ans: Does Ruma have a book?
Or Has Ruma a book?
2. He has a red pen?
Ans: Does He have a red pen?
Or Has he a red pen?
কোন sentence এ now, right now, at this moment, at this very moment থাকলে subject এরপর am/is/are বসে তারপর verb এর সংঙ্গে ing যুক্ত হয়।
1. It (rain) now
Ans: It is raining now
2. We (take) rest at this moment
Ans: We are taking rest at this moment
3. What you (do) right now?
Ans: What are you doing right now?
কোন বাক্য, recently (সম্প্রতি), yet(এখনো), just(এই মাত্র), already(ইতোমধ্যে), earlier(আগে), today ইত্যাদি থাকলে present perfect tense হয় অর্থাৎ subject এরপর have/has তারপর verb এর past participle form বসে।
1. Nupur (change) her house recently
Ans: Nupur has changed her house recently
2. He (not take) decision yet
Ans: He has not taken decision yet
3. We (do) the work already
Ans: We have done the work already
4. I (not see) him earlier
Ans: I have not seen him earlier
5. We (do) the work today
Ans: We have done the work today
6. He (come) just now
Ans: He has come just now
7. I just (have) my meal
Ans: I have just had my meal
Have /has এরপর be verb থাকলে তা been হয়
1. He has (be) a leader
Ans: He has been a leader (তিনি নেতা হয়েছেন)
2. We have (be) here for last five years
Ans: We have been here for last five years (আমরা গত পাঁচ বছর ধরে এখানে আছি)
কোন sentence এ period of time যেমন for ten years, since 2010, for many days, for three days etc থাকলে present perfect continuous tense এর হয় অর্থাৎ subject এরপর have been/has been বসে। তারপর verb এর সঙ্গে ing যোগ হয়।
1. We live here for five years
Ans: We have been living here for five years
2. It (rain) for three days
Ans: It has been raining for three days
3. He (do) the job since 2010
Ans: He has been doing the job since 2010
কোন sentence এ অতীত নির্দেশক শব্দ যেমন yesterday, the day before yesterday, last night , one year ago etc থাকলে verb এর past form হয়।
The accident (happen) yesterday
Ans: The accident happened yesterday
The man (die) yesterday
Ans: The man died yesterday
We (do) the work a few days ago
Ans: We did the work a few days ago
অতীত নির্দেশক sentence টি যদি negative ( না বোধক) হয় তাহলে did not বসে এবং তারপর মূল verb বসে।
1. He (not come) yesterday
Ans: He did not come yesterday
2. They (not seek) our help last night
2. They (not seek) our help last night
Ans: They did not seek our help last night