101. A few days ago some Dacoits broke into the house of your neighbor. They have token away all the valuables of your neighbor’s home. The members of your neighbor’s family are good people and your family has a very good relation with them. So this incident made you very unhappy....................
102. It is a cloudy day. At noon I was walking alone Suddenly, I heard...................................
103. The man being moved by the sufferings of the poor man thought to do something for them. He visited different places and enquired about their condition. One day .....................................
104. There lived a wolf in a wood. He killed a lamb, but as he went on eating the flesh, a bone stuck in his throat. This gave him pain and he went about not knowing what to do...........................
105. Once a lion lives in jungle started killing the innocent animals at random. All he animals remained afraid and passed their days in great tension. One day.............................
106. Once there lived a poor rickshaw puller. But he was very sincere. He earned his livelihood working very hard. Once day while he was out of his house, ..............
107. It was midnight of March 26, 1971. Suddenly there was knocking at the door. “Somebody shouted,”..................
108. Last year we have a tour the Sundorbans . it was just 3.15 when we reached Katka . Under a forest guide and coast guard we started going down the deep forest. I was so beguiled with the wonderful green of the Sundorbans that even I forget to follow our teammates. But when I came into sense