A dialogue between two boys, one good in the classroom and the other in the playground each supporting his own area .

    Rakib : Hello Sujon, you look so busy . Any problem?

    Sujon : Nothing . At this moment, I don’t find my important class-notes.

    Rakib : Have you gone so much crazy or mad after that ?

    Sujon: I see are you not craze or mad after games?

    Rakib : What’s the wrong with you? Can you not shut your books and come out for a game of tennis?

    Sujon : No, I can’t . I am to do well in the exam.

    Rakib : Oh! Hang all exams! I don’t care them at all . What’s their use?

    Sujon : Well, if you do not pass the exams , what will you do then? 

    Rakib : I may not pass the exam, but if you are physically unfit, how will you take the exam? A teacher (coming in) : How are you ? What are talking about?

    Teacher : i see , that’s the matter. Both of you are equally wrong and both you are right . The culture of brain is as good as the culture of the brawn . you are to work for both of them.

    Sujon : But I mean, culture of the mind is the  most important.

    Rakib : if I fail to develop my health, Sir , how can I keep my sound mind inside, safe and sound?

    Teacher : Listen , both are most important .

    Rakib : Thank you Sir, for so nice a talk.

    Sujon : Thank you Sir, Thank you Rakib .

    Rakib : Welcome.


