A dialogue between two friends about backbiting
    Sujon : Is backbiting not a bad habit?
    Hasib : Sure, it is a vice.
     Sujon : Who is more prone to backbiting boys or girls.
    Hasib : Everyone does, including women , men, old people.
     Sujon : It is generally said that women have more tendency of this.
    Hasib : It is not something general, but men say so.
     Sujon : You mean, males are to blame.
    Hasib In their book, we stand nowhere.
     Sujon Perhaps, there is something wrong with their minds.
    Hasib Not something, everything.............
     Sujon : Do you think it is a male dominated society.
    Hasib : Yes, it is something beyond discussion.
     Sujon I think, males have some psychic problems.
    Hasib : Rather they are psychic cases.
     Sujon : How are they superior to us?
    Hasib : Who says, it is so my foot.............
     Sujon : They just know carping.
    Hasib : They do nothing but expect everything.
     Sujon : What about your fiancé?
    Hasib : He is also a born carper.
     Sujon : Then, how will you...............?
    Hasib : I will set him right within no time.
     Sujon : What we are saying, isn't it also backbiting?
    Hasib : (Chuckling) No, it is just discussion.
     Sujon : But Islam forbids such discussion.
    Hasib : Yes, it is very true.