A dialogue between two friends about designate wife
    Sujon: Good morning, Salim! .
    Salim: Morning, Sujon. What brings you here? Your visits are now few and far between. Would you have a cup of coffee, Please?
    Sujon: Yes, I don't mind. But I have come on purpose. Could you help.
    Salim: Yes, with pleasure. My humble services are at your disposal.
    Sujon: Let me open my heart to you. You know your neighbor's daughter, don't you?
    Salim: Yes, I'm on very intimate terms with the family. But what's the matter?
    Sujon: Well, how about my marrying Sana?
    Salim: Good. Very good. The like of Sana is rare. You cannot but marve! at her excellences.
    Sujon: But she isn't beautiful, is she?
    Salim: Oh no, She is a beauty. Her smile is one of her beauties. hat lovely hair she has! her silken hair and silken voice can win anybody's heart. She is a cute.
    Sujon: But is she too tall for her age?
    Salim: Oh, no. She has a very charming and pleasing personality. She doesn't look her age. This girl is a smasher.
    Sujon: But what is she doing at present?
    Salim: She is doing her B.A. with music. She is a girl with on artistic temperament and has a very sweet temper.
    Sujon: Do you think she won't twist her husband around her finger?
    Salim: I'm sure she will be a good wife and you will make an excellent husband. Thank your lucky stars. But I must tell you that her family isn't rich enough to offer you to a big dowry.
    Sujon: But dowry isn't any important consideration with us.
    Salim: Then the sooner you get married the better. May I offer you my congratulations in advance.
    Sujon: A million thanks.